Category Archives: Press Release

Launch of Mobile Defence Technology for Laos Frontline Heroes

Vientiane, LAO PDR  (24 February 2021) — Following the success of their first Lao seminar on cyber threats last November, Singapore-based S.A. Investment Holdings Pte Ltd (SA) has once again teamed up with local partner, Datacom Co. Ltd, along with Lao Computer Emergency Response Team (LaoCERT) and Lao ICT Commerce Association (LICA) to spearhead a […]

First-ever Joint Cybersecurity themed Seminar for Lao Banking & Financial Sectors by ICT and Banking Industries

VENTIANE, LAO PDR (November 13, 2020) — The first-ever cybersecurity seminar jointly organised by Lao Bankers’ Association (LBA), Lao ICT Commerce Association (LICA) and Lao Computer Emergency Response Team (LaoCERT) on November 12, in coordination with Singapore-based S.A. Investment Holdings (SA) and local partner Datacom Co. Ltd, aimed to highlight the significance of cybersecurity, and the strategies that the banking and financial sectors can adopt to safeguard themselves against the growing threats of cyber-crime and attacks.